
Mara! Big Band receives Create NSW Regional Touring Grant in 2024.

Mara! Big Band receives Create NSW Regional Touring Grant in 2024. More...

Zashto? Review SMH

Review of Mara! Big Band album 'Zashto?' by John Shand for Sydney Morning Herald and The Age October 2023 More...

Martenitsa 30th anniversary concert

Martenitsa celebrated its 30th anniversary with a live and streamed concert at Riverside theatre Parramatta March 6 More...

2019 and 2020 in review

Projects continue despite the pandemic More...

The Marais Project: 'Spinning Forth" produced by Llew Kiek, CD of the week ABC Classic FM

CD of the week, review and video More...

2018 in Review

Mara!s and Martenitsa's highlights 2018 More...

2017 in review

Several projects continue, and some new ones commence More...

2016 in review

Llew and Mara were involved in a diverse and exciting range of projects over the year. More...

CrossRoads: new project continues

Mara and Llew to visit Quimper where the next CrossRoads project will be completed More...

2015: Mara Music events & touring

Two international tours and a busy year in Australia More...