August 26 - Martenitsa Ensemble performed at Blackheath Choir Festival
Since their formation in 1990, ‘Martenitsa Choir’ have been performing Bulgarian traditional choral music along with new Australian compositions in concert halls and festivals around Australia and abroad, under the direction of founders Mara & Llew Kiek.
Their original Australian works include “Tra Parole e Silenzio” and the ARIA nominated “Sezoni” (Real World) with the Mara! Band. Recorded works also include albums with David Hobson, David Hirschfelder, Tenzing Tsewang and Clarion Fracture Zone, plus soundtracks for motion pictures, short films, documentaries and video game productions.
With Mara!, Martenitsa has performed at WOMAD Reading, WOMADelaide, Koprivshtitsa Festival (Bulgaria) and Udine Music Festival (Italy). “Homeland”, the aerial spectacular featuring Martenitsa, Mara! and Legs on the Wall, was performed live at Circular Quay for the Sydney Olympics, the Brisbane Festival and Berlin Poesiefestival and recorded for the Manchester Commonwealth Games festival. “Homeland” was also screened to 60 countries on ABC TV’s Today 2000.
Martenitsa’s next album with the Mara! Band (for release late 2023) includes original works by Sandy Evans, Paul Cutlan and Laura Bishop.
Over the past three decades, Martenitsa has performed in a number of guises from the full ‘Martenitsa Choir’ to their petite ensemble ‘MiniMart’ and including local Blue Mountains offshoot ‘MalkaSestra’ (Little Sister). For Blackheath Choir Festival this year, Martenitsa will present their 12–14 voice ‘Martenitsa Ensemble’.
For more info and bookings

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