April 26 - Sonic Threads // Jazz, Drums and Song Concert UNSW
Since 2020, Llew and Mara Kiek have been running a Balkan Ensemble course for music students in the UNSW's School of the Arts and Media.
This ensemble has developed out of a previous ensemble - Bulgarian Voices - run by Mara Kiek and Silvia Entcheva from 2016 - 2019.
At the end of the 10 week course, each ensemble performs a concert of the repertoire they have developed and rehearsed in collaboration with their tutors.
On Wednesday 26 April 2024, Balkan Ensemble alongside two other ensembles from the program - West African Drum Ensemble and Jazz Orchestra - performed in the concert - 'Sonic Threads // Jazz, Drums and Song' in the Esme Timbery Creative Practice Lab, UNSW.
More information and bookings:

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